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Welcome to our Questions Page,

Rule # 1 - There is no such thing as a stupid question, only the question that was NEVER asked !

If you feel that you have been taken advantage of, and you would like your voice to be heard perhaps we can help you. But in order to help you we would need to know the following:

Who you are? Your Court Case Name? Your Court #? Who the Judge was? Who the GAL was? Who the Attorney was?

Then tell us just what you feel the public should know. Keep in mind that any and all information you provide MUST be the TRUTH, and that we are NOT responsible for any law suites or ligigation. Make sure that what your stating can be verified in your Court record, or Court Transcripts. (It is strongly reccommended that you do purchase any and all of your Court Transcripts to backup your claim of injustice.

If you have any other idea's or concerns you feel we should know about, let us know.

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New Hampshire