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NH Legal Aid

Welcome to our Legal Aid Page,

Legal Aid - Is the same thing as Pro Bono but much worst, they really do not care about you what so ever, and they are basically a joke !

This is how they screen you for qualification:

They want to know how many people are in the household, how much everyone makes an hour, how many hours a week everyone works, then they add it all up and tell you that you don’t qualify.

Even, after you tell them that you have to pay your rent or mortgage, taxes, lights, gas, utilities, buy food, pay medical bills, or have money for gas to keep your job, all they do is total your gross income, and say they can’t help you.

They tell you that according to their income guide lines, which is based on your income, that you do not qualify for Legal Aid assistance what so ever, and that you should apply to the NH Bar Association for reduced fees, when they know you have no extra money for an attorney.

However, if you quit your job, collect food stamps, get into government housing, keep looking for work but don’t let anyone hire you, then you call them back and tell them you have no money what so ever, now you qualify for assistance, and now they will help you.

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